What is Cyber Warfare?

Cyber warfare is the use of digital and cyber means to conduct military operations against enemy states, organizations, or individuals. Before learning about Cyber warfare let's understand some simple terms…

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File System Management

File system management is the process of organizing, managing, and maintaining files and directories on a storage device. It includes creating, modifying, and maintaining the file system on a disk,…


Disk Management

Disk management is the process of managing the storage and organization of data on a computer's hard disk drive (HDD) or solid-state drive (SSD). It involves creating, formatting, and managing…


Virtual Memory

Apart from the physically installed memory, a computer also has some extra memory which is known as virtual memory. It is a storage scheme that allows the secondary memory to…



Paging is a memory management scheme that permits the physical address space of a process to be non-contiguous. Support for paging is handled by hardware. It is used to avoid…

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Memory Management

Memory management is often a complex issue in a system written in a language without garbage collection. The situation is mostly simple in PBRT since most dynamic memory allocation is done…


Structure of Operating System

The design of operating system architecture traditionally follows the separation of concerns principle. This principle suggests structuring the operating system into relatively independent parts that provide simple individual features, thus…