In the previous post we learned about the OSI reference model and its 7 layers, but have you understood these layers? If yes, then great. If not, then don’t worry, this post is for you. Here we will learn about the OSI reference model with a simple example so that you can understand how the OSI model works in real life.

OSI Model Analogy:

Application Layer – Source Host

After riding your new bicycle a few times in Bangalore, you decide that you want to give it to a friend who lives in DADAR, Mumbai.

Presentation Layer – Source Host

Make sure you have the proper directions to disassemble and reassemble the bicycle.

Session Layer – Source Host

Call your friend and make sure you have his correct address.

Transport Layer – Source Host

Disassemble the bicycle and put different pieces in different boxes. The boxes are labeled “1 of 3”, “2 of 3”, and “3 of 3”.

Network Layer – Source Host

Put your friend’s complete mailing address (and yours) on each box. Since the packages are too big for your mailbox (and since you don’t have enough stamps) you determine that you need to go to the post office.

Data Link Layer – Source Host

Bangalore post office takes possession of the boxes.

Physical Layer – Media

The boxes are flown from Bangalore to Mumbai.

Data Link Layer – Destination

Dadar post office receives your boxes.

Network Layer – Destination

Upon examining the destination address, Dadar post office determines that your boxes should be delivered to your written home address.

Transport Layer – Destination

Your friend calls you and tells you he got all 3 boxes and he is having another friend named
BOB reassembles the bicycle.

Session Layer – Destination

Your friend hangs up because he is done talking to you.

Presentation Layer – Destination

BOB is finished and “presents” the bicycle to your friend. Another way to say it is that your friend is finally getting him a “present”.

Application Layer – Destination

Your friend enjoys riding his new bicycle in Dadar.

Data Flow Through a Network

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