In data communication terminology, a transmission medium is a physical path between the transmitter and the receiver i.e. it is the channel through which data is sent from one place to another. Transmission Media is broadly classified into the following types:

1. Guided Media:
It is also referred to as Wired or Bounded transmission media. Signals being transmitted are directed and confined in a narrow pathway by using physical links.
- High Speed
- Secure
- Used for comparatively shorter distances
There are 3 major types of Guided Media:
(i) Twisted Pair Cable:
It consists of 2 separately insulated conductor wires wound about each other. Generally, several such pairs are bundled together in a protective sheath. They are the most widely used Transmission Media. Twisted Pair is of two types:
- Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP):
UTP consists of two insulated copper wires twisted around one another. This type of cable has the ability to block interference and does not depend on a physical shield for this purpose. It is used for telephonic applications.

- Least expensive
- Easy to install
- High-speed capacity
- Susceptible to external interference
- Lower capacity and performance in comparison to STP
- Short distance transmission due to attenuation
- Shielded Twisted Pair (STP):
This type of cable consists of a special jacket (a copper braid covering or a foil shield) to block external interference. It is used in fast-data-rate Ethernet and in voice and data channels of telephone lines.

- Better performance at a higher data rate in comparison to UTP
- Eliminates crosstalk
- Comparatively faster
- Comparatively difficult to install and manufacture
- More expensive
- Bulky
(ii) Coaxial Cable –
It has an outer plastic covering containing an insulation layer made of PVC or Teflon and 2 parallel conductors each having a separate insulated protection cover. The coaxial cable transmits information in two modes: Baseband mode(dedicated cable bandwidth) and Broadband mode(cable bandwidth is split into separate ranges). Cable TVs and analog television networks widely use Coaxial cables.

- High Bandwidth
- Better noise Immunity
- Easy to install and expand
- Inexpensive
- Single cable failure can disrupt the entire network
(iii) Optical Fiber Cable –
It uses the concept of reflection of light through a core made up of glass or plastic. The core is surrounded by a less dense glass or plastic covering called the cladding. It is used for the transmission of large volumes of data.
The cable can be unidirectional or bidirectional. The WDM (Wavelength Division Multiplexer) supports two modes, namely unidirectional and bidirectional mode.

- Increased capacity and bandwidth
- Lightweight
- Less signal attenuation
- Immunity to electromagnetic interference
- Resistance to corrosive materials
- Difficult to install and maintain
- High cost
- Fragile
(iv) Stripline
Stripline is a transverse electromagnetic (TEM) transmission line medium invented by Robert M. Barrett of the Air Force Cambridge Research Centre in the 1950s. Stripline is the earliest form of the planar transmission line. It uses a conducting material to transmit high-frequency waves it is also called a waveguide. This conducting material is sandwiched between two layers of the ground plane which are usually shorted to provide EMI immunity.
(v) Microstripline
In this, the conducting material is separated from the ground plane by a layer of dielectric.
2. Unguided Media:
It is also referred to as Wireless or Unbounded transmission media. No physical medium is required for the transmission of electromagnetic signals.
- The signal is broadcasted through air
- Less Secure
- Used for larger distances
There are 3 types of Signals transmitted through unguided media:
(i) Radio waves –
These are easy to generate and can penetrate through buildings. The sending and receiving antennas need not be aligned. Frequency Range:3KHz – 1GHz. AM and FM radios and cordless phones use Radio waves for transmission.
Further Categorized as (i) Terrestrial and (ii) Satellite.
(ii) Microwaves –
It is a line of sight transmission i.e. the sending and receiving antennas need to be properly aligned with each other. The distance covered by the signal is directly proportional to the height of the antenna. Frequency Range:1GHz – 300GHz. These are majorly used for mobile phone communication and television distribution.
(iii) Infrared –
Infrared waves are used for very short distance communication. They cannot penetrate through obstacles. This prevents interference between systems. Frequency Range:300GHz – 400THz. It is used in TV remotes, wireless mouse, keyboard, printer, etc.
Other Media:
Baseband Transmission
- Entire channel is used to transmit a single digital signal
- Complete bandwidth of the cable is used by a single signal
- The transmission distance is shorter
- The electrical interference is lower
Broadband Transmission
- Use analog signaling and a range of frequencies
- Continuous signals flow in the form of waves
- Support multiple analog transmission (channels)
Straight-through cable:
Straight-through cables get their name from how they are made. Out of the 8 pins that exist on both ends of an Ethernet cable, each pin connects to the same pin on the opposite side. Review the diagram below for a visual example:

Notice how each wire corresponds to the same pin. This kind of wiring diagram is part of the 568A standard. The 568B standard achieves the same thing, but through different wiring. It is generally accepted to use the 568A standard as pictured, since it allows compatibility with certain telephone hardware- while 568B doesn’t.
Straight-through cables are primarily used for connecting unlike devices. A straight-through cable is typically used in the following situations:
Use a straight-through cable when:
- Connecting a router to a hub
- Connecting a computer to a Swtich
- Connecting a LAN port to a switch, hub, or computer
Crossover cable:
Crossover cables are very similar to straight-through cables, except that they have pairs of wires that crisscross. This allows for two devices to communicate at the same time. Unlike straight-through cables, we use crossover cables to connect like devices. A visual example can be seen below:

Notice how all we did was switch the orange-white and green-white wires, and then the orange and green wires. This will enable like devices to communicate. Crossover cables are typically used in the following situations:
Use a crossover cable when:
- Connecting a computer to a router
- Connecting a computer to a computer
- Connecting a router to a router
- Connecting a switch to a switch
- Connecting a hub to a hub
While the rule of thumb is to use crossover cables with like devices, some devices do not follow standards. Others provide support for both types of cables. However, there is still something that both crossover and straight-through cables can’t do.
Rollover cable:
Rollover cables, like other cabling types, got their name from how they are wired. Rollover cables essentially have one end of the cable wired exactly opposite from the other. This essentially “rolls over” the wires- but why would we need to do such a thing? Rollover cables, also called Yost cables, usually connect a device to a router or switch’s console port. This allows a programmer to make a connection to the router or switch, and program it as needed. A visual example can be seen below:

Notice that each wire is simply “rolled over.” These types of cables are generally not used very much, so are usually colored differently from other types of cables.